TORONTO, June 21, 2011: Users of rigid PVC compounds now have a global source of custom formulations tailored for applications as diverse as bottles, electrical conduit, home furnishings, irrigation connectors, point-of-purchase displays, and medical devices, it was announced today at Plast-Ex 2011 by Teknor Apex Company (Booth 2153).
The company’s Vinyl Division is introducing a range of Apex® rigid vinyl compounds suitable for a wide variety of end uses and codes and standards requirements. Drawing on decades of experience compounding Apex® flexible vinyl in the U.S., and on proven technology for rigids developed at Teknor Apex Asia Pacific in Singapore, Teknor Apex has developed more than 30 standard compounds and is prepared to formulate new ones on a custom basis for customers worldwide, according to Michael J. Renzi, business development manager.
“While Teknor Apex has been a leading compounder of flexible vinyl since 1946, our Teknor Apex Asia Pacific unit has always been a leader in rigid PVC,” said Renzi. “Technology transfer, combined with further product development and enhancements in manufacturing, now enables us to produce an expanded range of rigid compounds in both the U.S. and Asia.”
Teknor Apex’s rigid compound series are available in natural, clear, and a wide range of custom color formulations. Products include, but are not limited to, profile and sheet extrusion grades for interior and exterior applications, injection molding compounds, and formulations for injection and extrusion blow molding. Special formulations available include filled, flame retardant, low-smoke plenum, medical- and food-grade, gamma-stable, potable water, high gloss, matte finish, and a variety of standard, medium, and high impact grades.
Apex rigid vinyl compounds are produced at U.S. plants in Rhode Island, Tennessee, and California and at the Singapore facility of Teknor Apex Asia Pacific. Under its former name of Singapore Polymer Corporation, Teknor Apex Asia Pacific was founded in 1969 and acquired by Teknor Apex in 2001.