In furtherance of its commitment, Teknor Apex Company reports the following:
1. Verifying Product Supply Chains
Teknor Apex Company supports the efforts of the International Labor Organization in seeking to establish guidelines for developing reliable data on the extent of forced labor and trafficking of adults and children, including developing profiles of victims and risk factors. Teknor Apex Company will be able to use this data in monitoring the business practices of its suppliers.
2. Supplier Audits
Teknor Apex Company conducts periodic audits of its suppliers. In the event that Teknor Apex Company becomes aware of any actions or conditions that are unacceptable, Teknor Apex Company may demand corrective measures or terminate its relationship with that supplier.
3. Certifications
Teknor Apex Company’s terms and conditions of purchase require that its suppliers represent that they are in compliance with the laws of the countries in which they do business.
4. Internal Accountability
Teknor Apex Company’s employees and contractors worldwide are expected to uphold the Company’s commitment to protect human rights and discourage illegal labor practices throughout the world and to report any abuses of which they become aware immediately to the Company.
5. Employee Training
All Teknor Apex Company employees receive materials at the time of their employment that set forth the Company’s expectations with respect to their conduct as employees and representatives of the Company as well as the Company’s dedication and commitment to being a socially responsible company.