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Corporate Sustainability

At Teknor Apex, we are committed to the journey of sustainability – as a business partner, employer, community member, environmental steward, and value creator for our stakeholders.

Corporate Sustainability Hero

Our Approach to Sustainability

We are committed to doing our part every day to reduce our carbon footprint, contribute to a circular economy, and adhere to high standards of corporate social responsibility. We also recognize our responsibility to manufacture our products as sustainably as possible and to innovate products and processes that help advance more sustainable living.

Our sustainability approach is focused on three areas: 

Longs Peak and Glacier Gorge reflecting in blue Bear Lake on a calm Summer morning, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA.
Fostering Responsible Stewardship

We strive to contribute to a more circular, lower-carbon world and be a responsible steward of natural resources. 


of the way to achieving our 30X30 Challenge of reducing our energy usage by 30 million kWh by 2030


reduction in Scope 1 (direct) and 2 (indirect) emissions since 2020; goal is to reduce GHG emissions by 10% by 2030


of waste was diverted from landfill in 2023 – exceeding our goal of 75%

Battery recharge on red hybrid vehicle in the parking garage.
Innovating for a Sustainable Future

We’re committed to developing impactful innovations that address today’s global challenges and supporting our customers on their sustainability journeys. 

Expanding our portfolio of products containing recycled and bio-based content to support customers’ goals for performance, circularity and lower-carbon footprints.

Cycle-Tek® FLEXIBLE PVC Compounds, incorporating up to 90% post-industrial recycled content


Monprene® R6 CP-10100 Series of Thermoplastic Elastomers, containing up to 60% post-consumer recycled (PCR) content


Sarlink® RX 4100B Series of High-Performance Thermoplastic Vulcanizates, containing up to 30% PCR content

The young adult male volunteer stands near his friends to pass out painting supplies.
Helping Communities Thrive

We’re working to help our employees and communities thrive through connection, opportunity and a focus on quality of life. 


employee resource group, Women in Business, launched to support inclusion

Initiated corporatewide mentorship program


volunteer hours were contributed by employees thorough our  Paid Time-Off Volunteer Program 

Learn more about our efforts to reduce our energy intensity

Explore our growing portfolio of sustainable solutions

See how environmental responsibility, employee safety, and community well-being are integrated across our global business

Alignment with UN Sustainability Development Goals

In 2015, the United Nations created a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which promote a global partnership to improve health and education, reduce inequality and stimulate economic growth - all while addressing climate change and working to preserve our environment.

Teknor Apex's sustainability initiatives support many of these goals, including:

3 Good Health and Well-Being

Good Health and Well-Being:
Ensure safety remains the core of our operations.

6 Clean Water and Sanitation

Clean Water and Sanitation:
Ensure responsible use and cleanliness of the water and enable access to clean water.

12 Responsible Consumption and Production

Responsible Consumption and Production:
Ensure sustainable consumption of natural resources while producing more sustainable products.

13 Climate Action

Climate Action:
Ensure continued reduction of reliance on non-renewable resources.

Sustainable Solutions

When it comes to the use of plastics, environmental sustainability is defined differently in every industry, and these definitions are still evolving. At Teknor Apex, we understand that there isn’t one standard solution that can address everyone’s sustainability goals and we’re continuously working to deliver more options for our customers. As a custom compounder, our role is integral to the value chain, taking sustainable raw materials and developing high-value solutions which meet end-use performance requirements. In addition, we partner with our clients to develop more sustainable products by providing engineering support for more efficient processes or introducing new technologies and recycling solutions. 

Here are some examples of how Teknor Apex products enable sustainability:
